Causes of infidelity in relationships and marriages


What is infidelity?

Infidelity is the violation of promises made based on a commitment to one’s spouse or sexual partner. It beyond just been caught in the act of sexual intercourse, there are lots of actions that are overlocked as infidelity such as having intimacy feelings for someone other than your partner, deleting of emails, and messages with the fear of your partner going through them,  and lots more.

Basically, there are lots of factors that lead to infidelity and most of these factors are been influenced by the environment or society. Many young couple are challenged with dealing with infidelity because of the society fill with a lot of ungodly behaviors, below are some of the causes of infidelity in our society today.

Lack of proper communication.

Communication, as we all know, is the act of sending and receiving information with proper understanding. many couples find it very difficult to communicate properly, most times there is a misinterpretation of one’s message either from the sending or receiving end. as we all know communication has been proven to be one of the keys to a successful relationship or marriage. If you can’t talk to your partner and listen to what they have to say, you will find it very difficult to handle the pressure in your marriage or relationship. This is mainly for those who cheat, they find it very difficult to share secrets, feelings, worries, and emotions and this could lead to them opening up to someone else emotionally because of the attention been gotten from the person.

Lack of integrity.

Integrity is the state of being honest and upright without compromising. A person who can’t deal with personal commitment and boundaries may find it very difficult to stay faithful in any relationship or marriage. They will constantly lie just to deceive you and when you try confronting them they will start playing the blame game making you feel guilty for their faults.

Lack of sexual satisfaction.

Sexual satisfaction is the fulfillment of sexual desire, and one of the primary reasons for any intimate relationship of marriage if to fulfill one’s sexual desire. Unfortunately, many people cheat because of a lack of sexual satisfaction and this applies to both men and women. a high percentage of men from a study who had cheated on their partner said they did so out of sexual boredom, compared to an average percentage of women. irrespective of it being a male or female, poor sex life may put your marriage or relationship at risk of infidelity.


In one of our previous articles, we defined insecurity as an internal feeling of being intimidated or lacking in your relationship or marriage. The preponderance of relationship insecurity is based on unreasonable thoughts and doubts that you are not compactable enough, that you can’t function well without a partner, that you will never find someone better, that you are not truly loved. When you become insecure around your partner the doubts and fear of been left out or been abused pay your partner can easily lead to the act of infidelity. Many people are infidel because they are scared of been left out in the relationship or marriage.


Revenge is an act of causing harm to someone for their wrongdoings in the past. This is one of the painful reasons many people are infidel to their partners, they may have caught their partner in the past in the act of infidelity, and the guilt just can’t get off their mind unless they also became an unfaithful partner. This is a violent action that creates far more pain than pleasure, but it is one of the most common reasons for infidelity.

Living apart for a very long time.

Long-distance relationships as we all know comes with lots of challenges one of them is infidelity. When you spend a lot of time away from your partner it will create a wild gap between both of you and due to your absence in their life they might be tempted to seek companionship and thus, compromising their fidelity.

other causes of infidelity include


  • Lack of love and respect
  • Being addicted to social media(Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, and other dating sites)
  • Pornography
  • Boredom
  • Growing Apart with Your Partner
  • Not Married for the Right Reasons
  • Issues Involving Body Image and Aging
  • Inability to deal with problems
  • The feeling of being unwanted
  • Family troubles

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