Home marriage Essential Differences Between Male And Female In A Relationship

Essential Differences Between Male And Female In A Relationship


Let’s face it, men and women different.

There is no skepticism regarding it. Although the precise physical variations have been noted and comprehended from the very origin, it is barely in the last age or so that the essential psychological and emotional distinctions among men and women have been recognized and validated scientifically. The male and female of the human classes are “wired” uniquely. They do not reason, talk, or behave the same way in response to the same provocations. Men and women transfer, accept and process messages differently. Because they see the world through different rational and irrational “filters,” men and women can look at the same situation and see totally different viewpoints. They can be presented with the same data and draw different results. They can analyze the same information and yet be poles separated in how they explain that information. Unnecessary to say, this significant difference in the way men and women conceive and behave lies at the heart of much of the disagreement, uncertainty, and misinterpretation that has transpired between the sexes for ages. Communication dilemmas among men and women are so common as to be familiar. Does this sound commonplace? “I really don’t understand him (or her). Whenever we attempt to communicate, it’s as though we are on separate wavelengths.” Have you ever overheard anyone say, “Isn’t that exactly like a woman!” or “He’s behaving exactly like a man!” As with anything else, knowledge can dismiss uncertainty where male/female relationships are concerned. Knowing not just that men and women are different but also how they are different is important to developing male/female interaction and relationships at every level. This knowledge is especially important for young spouses who want to guarantee that their matrimony has the most transcendent possibilities of prosperity and pleasure. In the beginning, God designed man as a spirit and put that spirit in two flesh and blood “homes” male and female. This ”union” of the male and female “homes” is the only God-established order for creating new “homes.” The fundamental goal of male and female “homes” is to build new homes. A spirit has no gender. Whether man or woman, all members of the human species have an equal spirit, an equal life. Males and females, however, have natural and emotional diversity according to God’s purpose. He made the male home separate from the female home because they have separate purposes. The male is “configured” for logic. The female, on the other hand, is “configured” for emotional response. Males and females have different chemical and hormonal stability which causes them to imagine and act creatively. Because God designed for the male to be the leader of the family assembly, He bequeathed him chemically and hormonally for logical reasoning. The male is “configured” for logic. The female, on the other hand, is “configured” for emotional response. Her body’s chemical and hormonal stability fixes her up to work from a compassion-based center. Because both genders have both male and female hormones, “logical” males have an “emotional” side and “emotional” females have a “logical” side. In general, however, males and females view the world according to how they are configured males from a logical focus and females from an emotional focus.

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