
How To Control Sexual Urges In A Relationship

What is a sexual urge?

Sexual urge is a motivational mood and a desire in “sexual actions, or as a request, or move to seek out sexual objectives or to involve in sexual actions”. It is the feelings emanating from the desire to satisfy sexual drives.

When sexual urges and drives rise inside us at a very quick pace, we look for fast solutions to get relieved of it. However, those solutions do not last forever, because it is not practicable to control sexual urges by a fast predicament. It demands accurate knowledge, a lot of endurance, inner steadiness, and most importantly, a strong dedication.

By keeping away yourself from the real situations that generate the drives in the first place. It is to say, you should not view pictures, see videos, or study novels that are of sexual characteristics. When you involve in any of those actions, they generate the increase of sexual drives, making it more difficult to restrain the urges.

Shun any eye connection with people of the opposite sex and desist visiting at all costs. Shun the gathering of people or associates that support sexuality, even facetiously. You may never acknowledge when you might correspond with them.

A study says “As far as sex is involved, the deeper an individual fancies it, the more powerful a passionate urge will awake. Then sex will alight even more. Whatever pleasure an individual fancies, the desire for it will grow. The desire grows due to pleasure. The desire will go elsewhere by not entertaining it. By not becoming implicated in the sexual deed, one may grow uncomfortable and confused for a period of time. Nevertheless, loss of intimacy is the key. With the loss of intimacy, one will totally neglect sexuality.” The study also advises to, “Stay distant from the association of those who are prone to ensnare you in sexuality, because if you become ensnared even once, you will keep on ensnared into trick after trick. Hence run! You must run as distant apart from that character as tolerable. You would not blunder if you neglect the point where there are possibilities of blundering.”

In summation, holding sexual feelings and fantasizing how you can experience it, will also make the desires more stimulating. Hence, a person should stay observant and not let several sexual feelings last longer than a moment.

But how do you stop these feelings or desires in the first spot? Through investigation and research of what sexuality truly is. This involves effectively decreasing the intention of temptation (i.e. the character, feelings, shape, etc.) to void. You can do this by imagining all the ideas that the satisfaction obtained from sexuality is only deceptive, not real, and only momentary. When you are entertaining some form of sexuality, you manage to neglect how nasty the individual body actually is. For example, you forget that every vesicle and hole in our body discharges waste, which looks and stinks terribly. If feces, sweat, and other outflow smell so awful, presume how it would be inside the body. In summation, if there are true satisfaction and pleasure in bodily touch and feel, then there should be a pleasure even when your skin has an open injury or redness, but that is not the situation. Moreover, any kind of dependence is the problem of grieving in this society, so how can dependence on someone else be the basis for pleasure?

These are some suggestions and methods on how to regulate sexual urges or drives as soon as they rise

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