Home marriage How to deal with insecurity problem in relationships and marriages

How to deal with insecurity problem in relationships and marriages


What is insecurity?

Insecurity is an internal feeling of being intimidated or lacking in your relationship or marriage. The preponderance of relationship insecurity is based on unreasonable thoughts and doubts that you are not compactable enough, that you can’t function well without a partner, that you will never find someone better, that you are not truly loved.

There are lots of factors that nurture these ill thoughts in humans mind, and some of these thoughts are:

  1. Jealousy
  2. Having self-doubts
  3. Been emotionally abused in the past
  4. Anxiety
  5. Easily irritated by others way of life
  6. Procrastination on task to do
  7. Beliving so much on social media events
  8. Lack of self-confidence.

The above thoughts are common among those battling with insecurity crisis in their relationships and marriages, and these thoughts most times leads to the blame game constantly blaming their flaws on their Ex-partner of their current partner.

Below are some of the ways to overcome problems of insecurity in relationships and marriages.

Identify main-cause.

Basically, the major cause of insecurity is the behavior or actions of one’s partner, Behaviors and actions are proven to be the main cause that digs out insecurities. Therefore, work on identifying the main cause of the insecurity and get rid of it if possible see a psychologist of a counselor.

Share your worries with your partner.

Once you identify your problem of insecurity, tell them to your partner to enable them to know the challenges you are going through. One of the easiest ways to overcome the problems of insecurities is by approaching them with an understandable and open approach, rather than guilt, anger, or fear. Identify the critical visible element of your insecurity and ask your partner to help you by consciously shunning the things that fuel them up.

Stop putting yourself first before your spouse.

A self-centered person will live most of their life chasing an unrealistic dream partner if you want to go out on a date and you are been turned down by your partner it doesn’t mean that they don’t want to spend time with you, sometimes it may be as a result of them having a very rough day or having some personal challenges. Stop assuming that their silence or choice of words is to make you feel inferior, always try to give a reasonable reading and meaning in their actions.

Build other Relationships (nurture friendship).

One of the most common mistakes if beliving that their spouse can meet all their needs in a relationship be it physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and social needs. This could lead to a big disaster in any relationship, the only way to overcome this is by nurturing friendship with others without attaching any intimacy. you can invest your time energy and feelings in your friends, work, family, children, in-laws, and even hobbies.

Create an atmosphere of balance polarity.

In every relationship, there is one partner with female energy and another with male energy.  You don’t always need to feel inferior because you think your partner is more superior or better than you all you just have to do is to create an understanding atmosphere for both of you to blossom.

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