How to keep your vagina clean and healthy


The vagina is an elastic, muscular canal with a soft, flexible lining that provides lubrication and sensation. The vagina connects the uterus to the outside world. The vulva and labia form the entrance, and the cervix of the uterus protrudes into the vagina, forming the interior end. It comprises of the following

  • Labia. The labia (lips) are folds of skin around your vagina opening
  • Clitoris. The tip of the clitoris (AKA glans) is located at the top of your vulva, where your inner lips meet
  • Opening of the urethra
  • Opening of the vagina

There are lots of feminine products in our cosmetic world today with the goal to give you a fresh smell and clean vagina no doubts all this product especially the ones made of lemon is good but not advisable to use. study proves that these products expose the vagina to lots of bacterial infections and even cancer as a result of some of the organic and inorganic raw materials used during production. That whole “your vagina is a self-cleaning oven” spiel isn’t just a funny phrase—your vagina actually does clean itself. “The vagina already has healthy bacteria that maintain its harmony,” according to a study “Introducing new chemicals to that can disrupt that harmony.” There are some natural ways to keep the vagina clean and health and some of these are as follows

  • Wash with warm water and wipe with a clean cotton cloth and do not make use of any antibacterial soap when washing.
  • Pee after sex. ‘If you have sex without a condom and your partner ejaculates inside you, the presence of the semen can be quite irritating for some women, and it’s been shown that semen can change the pH of the vagina and also alter the immune system response
  • Wipe properly. ‘There are a lot of bacteria in the bowel which has a normal function in the intestines,’ says Adib a Gynecology  ‘The anus is very close to both the vagina and the tube that runs into the bladder, called the urethra. You should wipe from front to back because it reduces the chances of spreading infection from the anus to the vagina and bladder.’
  • Take care of your general health. ‘Having a balanced diet, refraining from smoking and taking regular exercise will all encourage good vaginal health,’ says Dr. Simic. ‘Nicotine can inhibit sexual arousal while running and walking help to keep the pelvic floor toned and contribute towards maintaining a healthy weight.’
  • Don’t abuse antibiotics. ‘Unnecessary antibiotic use can significantly reduce vaginal health’  That’s because antibiotics don’t discriminate—they kill off both good and bacteria, which can then change the flora (i.e., the colony of healthy bacteria) in your vagina, causing yeast and other infections to grow. Obviously, if you have to take an antibiotic to fight infection, you shouldn’t pass up the prescription—just make sure it’s totally necessary before you start that course, says Anil a Gynecology.

  • Wear cotton undies (or go commando). ‘Bacteria thrive in a moist atmosphere, so avoid tight-fitting clothing. Wear cotton rather than synthetic fabrics when wearing underwear as cotton absorbs moisture. Don’t wear a thong when exercising as it can rub and cause discomfort. Change your clothes and underwear after going to the gym, and avoid sitting in a wet swimsuit all day’.

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