Rules to a successful healthy relationship


What is a Relationship?

According to the google dictionary definition, a relationship is a way in which two or more people or things are connected or the state of being connected.

Now let’s look at some of the rules for keeping a healthy relationship.

Communication: is the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. a lot of relationships have goon sour from sweet as a result of the inability of those involved to keep a constant and lively communication channel. if you must have a healthy relationship you must keep constant communication with your partner. communication creates attention and affection in every relationship.

Honesty: This is one of the major challenges faced by many young couples in their relationship or marriage, a lot of individuals find it very difficult to be truthful to their partners thereby creating insecurity in the union a relationship without an honest background can’t stand no matter how hard you may try to make it work.

Intimacy outside sex: a lot of people, especially teenagers, find it very hard to keep w healthy relationship without sexual intimacy, sex at teen has ruined a lot of life but the society we are in today believe that sex is love and the cant be a successful relationship without sex and this is the major cause of infidelity in our society today. intimacy doesn’t mean sex, getting to know each other better and playing games going on a long walk together and vacation will help keep a relationship healthy than sex.

The blame game: this is one of the common factors that breaks many homes and relationships in our society today children and parents not getting along with each other, boys and girls not getting along with themselves, husband and wife not getting along together, pastors and politicians confused with members and citizens vice versa, thus everyone has a challenge with human relationship. all putting blames on each other, to keep a Heathy relationship we must be ready to accept our flaws and learn to correct them not blaming our partners always.

Pray together: prayer as the spiritual communication between we humans and our heavenly father. as young couples, if you must stay happy with your partner you need to build a prayerful life to help overcome the temptations surrounding our society today.

Let go of the past: many people find it difficult to let go of the past and some will always use the past of their partner to make them look inferior towards them if your partner opens up their past to you it is important to know that you are to protect it and help them get a new better life not using it against them. constantly remind them of their past can easily ruin the relationship.

Helping each other in time of needs: If you must have a successful healthy relationship you must learn to always help your partner whenever they are in need be it financial need or otherwise if we fail to meet some essential needs of your partner it may lead to a crisis in the relationship.

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