Top Five (5) Essential Differences Between Men and Women


Many husbands and wives languish needlessly from trouble, confusion, and maltreated feelings solely because they do not understand each other’s basic differences. Let’s examine some particular means that men and women differ, all of which can have a mysterious influence on how they associate with each other, especially in the circumstances of the marriage. These observations are not meant to lump all men and women indiscriminately within one assembly or the other there are constantly limitations to every law but they are frequently right of most men and women regarding their psychological and emotional composition.

Below are the top five essential differences between a male and a female

  1. A man is a logical intellectual while a woman is an emotional feeler. To be logical means to examine in a reasoned, systematic, and precise way. A logical intellectual has a rational intelligence that operates like a computer, processing, and assessing data in a well-defined and expected model. If one plus one equals two, then two slices in half are two ones; that’s logic. Overall, that’s the direction men think. They look for the details and respond correspondingly. Women are emotional. They address problems more from emotions than from intelligence. This is not a regretful thing. Being emotionally focused is neither more satisfying nor more damaging than being logical; it is just different. Another approach of studying it is to say that a man leads with his intellect while a woman leads with her heart. While logic and emotion might appear contradictory on the outside, in actuality, they complement each other very commendably. What manner of the world would this be if everybody was completely logical? Life would be very meaningless, with no spirit, no emotion, no flame, and few or no art. At the corresponding time, emotion without logic would bring forth life without law. Both logic and emotion are essential, not only for accomplishment but for continuance. This unveils the brilliance of God’s idea. A man leads with his mind while a woman leads with her heart. Here’s an illustration. Jude and Eva are standing in the sitting room and Jude sees that a chair is preventing smooth passage to the air conditioner. He laments, “That couch is in the way. We need to move it.” He is analyzing logically. At the equal time, Eva is considering how beautifully the chair balances the furniture and the decorations and how elegant a vessel of flowers would look on the end table next to it. She is examining emotionally. Neither perspective is correct or incorrect, or more beneficial or more damaging than the other one. They are just different. If Jude and Eva understand that they view the same condition in two different ways, they can reach a common agreement. In general, men are logical and women are emotional.
  2. For a woman, a word spoken is an interpretation of what she is feeling. For a man, a word spoken is an interpretation of what he is thinking. A woman speaks what is on her heart while a man speaks what is on his mind. This is another illustration of the emotion/logic contradiction among the approaches women and men conceive. Women are heartfelt feelers and their spoken words need to be apprehended from that frame of recommendation. Men are logical, and their words frequently do not sufficiently communicate their actual feelings. Both may have comparable ideas or feelings but will represent them in different approaches. Unless they understand this difference, a married couple will encounter communication problems. A woman says what is on her heart while a man says what is on his mind.
  3. The word that is overheard by a woman is an emotional encounter. The word that is overheard by a man is the receiving of data. When a woman talks, although she may be revealing what she feels, a man will normally hear it as data, oftentimes on an indifferent level. When a man talks, even if he is honestly speaking what’s on his mind, a woman will normally accept his words at a much more profound individual and emotional level. It is simple to see how friction could emerge because of this.  Hearing is not the same as understanding. What one person says may not be what the other person hears. That is why communication is an art. Husbands must understand that every declaration they say will be accepted by their wives as emotional involvement. Wives need to also understand that every word they said will be accepted by their husbands as data. To understand each other properly, husbands and wives both should acquire to think in terms of how the other accepts and understands their words and speak subsequently.
  4. Women seem to take everything individually. Men seem to take everything unbiased. This difference is clearly associated with the method men and women are “configured”: Men are logical intellectuals and women are emotional feelers. A woman explains everything from an emotional aspect while a man is scanning for information. Because women tend to take everything personally, men need to study to be cautious regarding what they relate to women and how they relate it. A woman will remember a disturbing activity or an informal criticism for years. On the other way, because men take things unbiased, women must be cautious in how they understand men’s acknowledgments to what they speak. Just because a man does not respond emotionally in the same approach as a woman does not mean that he has no feelings or that he does not care. He is scanning for information and trying to determine a suitable way to respond.
  5. Women are concerned about the details of the “events.” Men are interested in the principle of the abstract or philosophy. For instance, Eva asks Jude, “How was your day?” and he replies, “Excellent.” That’s not the sort of response Eva was looking for. She requires to gather the step-by-step, moment-by-moment details of Jude’s day. She isn’t attempting to push; that’s just the direction she conceives. Jude’s simplistic reply shows the way he thinks: “I had a great day, it was excellent. Now, let’s move on to something else.” He is concentrating on the principle (he had a great day), not on the eventful details (I did this and that and thus and so). Suppose Jude summons another couple to come over for banquet. He is concentrating on the principle that he requires to be congenial to his friends. As soon as he explains to Eva, she instantly glances at all the details. What will we cook for the banquet? What plates should we use? How should we place the table? What about that worn rug in the living room? The drapes are unclean; can we get them washed? What about that blemish on the wall? All Jude is contemplating is entertaining their associates for a fun evening. He isn’t concerned regarding the drapes or the stained wall or the worn rug or the plates. An uncomplicated principle for him maybe a difficulty of details for Eva. Leaders need to reflect on principles and thoughts, not the essential details. Directors and company chairmen don’t have time to concentrate on the details. They must acknowledge the principles, the philosophy of where the company is going, and to manage aims. A leader sets the idea and regulation, and those following the leader work out the details to achieve the idea. Under God’s intention for the home, the husband initiates the idea and regulation of the principles. That is his reward and purpose. The wife is talented to know how to bring the idea to accomplish the details. Unitedly it is a powerful combination.

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