Top Ten(10) Best Reasons for Getting Married


In our previous article we identified some common wrong reasons for marriage, we need to examine some top best reasons for getting married. The ten that follow should not be regarded as separate entities but as part of a greater whole. While each of these is a good reason for getting married, none of them alone is sufficient. A healthy, successful, and godly marriage will embrace most, but not necessarily all, of these reasons.

1. Because it is God’s will.

This is conceivably the most crucial reason of all. God created marriage, and no one understands it more genuine than He does. As followers, our top preference should be to recognize and obey God’s command in all things. This involves our decision of a partner. For some reason, whether it is due to the absence of understanding or lack of confidence, many devotees have trouble believing God in this field of their lives. A couple who is contemplating marriage requires to take lots of time to pray collectively, soliciting God’s intention in the matter. Just because you are both devotees doesn’t automatically imply that you are appropriate for each other for marriage. Be calm. Believe God and sincerely and submissively solicit His will and knowledge. If He is asking you to wed, He wants to connect you to someone with whom you can establish a healthy, godly family overflowed with love and grace a family that glorifies Jesus Christ as Lord and unity in vision and purpose. If you inquire His guidance, He will lead an honest person into your life, and you will identify it when He does.

2. Expressing God’s love for the other person.

Marriage is a visible image of the spiritual unity and love that lives with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It also represents the love of God for His people and Christ’s love for His Church. Agape. or Divine love, is primal love, the initial and most important love from which all other kinds of love originate. Agape is a decision, an action of the conviction. By His very creation, God prefers to love us despite we have nothing within ourselves to support us in that love. Paul, the prominent early church leader, and a preacher wrote, “But God proves His personal love for us in this: While we were still offenders, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). God’s love is genuine love. Accurately declared, human love in all its models takes its guide from the perfect agape that springs forth from the Father. Since agape is the love that God demonstrates toward all people, a person does not have to be married to experience it. However, marriage does nations an excellent avenue in which a man and a woman can prove this righteous love to each other in a uniquely intimate way. Agape is one of the instigators for the “fusion” that defines authentic marriage. When a husband and wife choose to love each other completely, that choice will sustain them throughout the times when they are unlovable. A flourishing and healthy marriage perpetually starts with agape. Other kinds of love flow out of and build upon the solid establishment of God’s love.

3. Expressing personal love for the other person.

Healthy matrimonial love includes the precise blending of several kinds and levels of love. First is agape, the genuine love of God that begot all other forms. Marriage should also be an interpretation of personal love among the husband and wife, an urge to display a level of respect and regard toward each other that they display toward no one else. Matrimonial love involves the component of philia, a Greek theory of love best interpreted as “compassionate affection.” Husbands and wives should be compassionate and devoted to each other. A marriage bond is also defined by eros, which is physical, or sensual love. These illustrations of individual love are good intentions for marriage, but they need to be accurately established on the actual agape love that emanates from God.

4. To fulfill sexual needs and desires in a godly way.

Sexual passion is God-given and, in its usual place, wholesome and good. By itself, the urge for sex is a weak and silly reason for getting married. In agreement with other reasons, however, such as admiration and the craving for companionship, the urge for sexual satisfaction is a powerful and straightforward motivation. Love that acts in a man and a woman the will to engage themselves to a lifelong bond also produces the urge to manifest that love sexually. Believers who are earnest regarding their devotion to Christ will seek to satisfy their sexual demands and urges in a godly way. Marriage is the God-ordained means for accomplishing God-given sexual excitement. Paul’s messages to the believers in Corinth give sensible and effective guidance on the matter: Now for the subjects, you wrote about: It is suitable for a man not to marry. But because there are so many immoralities, each man should have his own partner, and each woman her own partner. The husband should satisfy his matrimonial obligation to his spouse, and furthermore the wife to her spouse. The wife’s body does not belong to her only but also to her partner. In the same way, the husband’s body does not belong to him only but also to his partner. Do not deny each other except by mutual permission and for a time, so that you may consecrate yourselves to prayer. Then come unitedly again so that Satan will not influence you because of your lack of self-control.… Now to the single and the widows I say: It is suitable for them to stay single, as I am. But if they cannot restrain themselves, they should marry, for it is more suitable to marry than to burn with concupiscence (1 Corinthians 7:1-5, 8-9, emphasis added).

5. The desire to begin a family.

The will to have offspring is a righteous will, but it is neither a fundamental nor even a significant reason for marriage. There are many blissfully wedded couples who have no kids, either by decision or contrarily. Matrimonial joy and prosperity do not depend on the presence of kids. Children are an extraordinary asset and improve a marriage, and those couples who crave kids crave a good thing. Psalm 127:3-5 says, “Sons are a legacy from the Lord, offspring a compensation from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a soldier are sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose shudder is full of them. They will not be put to disgrace when they fight with their foes in the gate.” There is the no more satisfying atmosphere in which to establish children than in a Christian home berthed by strong Christian matrimony.

6. Companionship.

The longing for companionship is a decent idea for getting married. Everyone has a built-in demand for a “bosom companion,” a devoted friend or companion. Although such companionship and intimacy can be found outside of marriage, the companionship forged among a man and woman is expressly rich and satisfying. Humans are social creatures, designed to appreciate and increase in each other’s companionship. When God created the first man, He noticed no “suitable assistant” for him among all the other beings. A husband should be his wife’s most trustworthy friend and partner, and a wife, her husband’s. So the Lord God made the man fall into an intense sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man’s ribs and sealed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God created a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh (Genesis 2:21-24).

7. To share all things together with the other person.

There is a lot of trustworthiness in the ancient saying that when we share our grief, our grief is split, and when we share our happiness, our happiness is multiplied. Tribulation and tough times in our lives are more comfortable to handle when we have a soulmate to share them with. Our happiness and merriment increase when we have a bosom partner who joins in. Godly love that attracts a man and a woman together produces in them a passion to share all things with each other, particularly the continuous everyday experience of life itself. Marriage is created for the man and woman who have concluded that they prefer to spend the remainder of their lives together in a relationship of reciprocated love, admiration, and sharing.

8. To work together to fulfill each other’s needs.

Matrimonial love also awakens up in a husband and wife the urge to meet each other’s desires. This is a give-and-take rule that demands much consciousness on the part of both. Every person is born with continuous physical, psychological, passionate, and spiritual needs. There is the demand for food, shelter water, clothing; the need for protection and calmness of mind; the need to be freed from anxiety; the need for artistic decoration; the need for harmony with God, and faithful communion with Him. Marriage is a tailor-made chance for a man and woman to act concurrently to achieve their genuine needs. Together, and with staunch faith in the Lord, they can match any difficulty and succeed in any obstruction. “Though one may be overwhelmed, two can protect themselves. A string of three beaches is not instantly destroyed” (Eccles. 4:12).

9. To maximize each person’s potential.

The key to a prosperous life is to die exhausted to maximize your potential by studying to think and perform exceeding your self-imposed restrictions. In a prosperous marriage, both spouses are dedicated to supporting each other to reach their complete potential. The passion to assist the person you love the most utmost to become all he or she can be is a wholesome motivation for marriage. The bounds of the matrimonial union present an excellent atmosphere in which husbands and wives can aim to express their most abundant personal, spiritual, and expert potential. In combination together they can inspire one another, boost up one another, pray for one another, protect one another, examine one another, encourage one another, and assert one another.

10. Enhancement of spiritual growth.

Because it originates from God, marriage is created for believers: men and women who walk by faith and not by perception and live in every day and developing an individual love bond with Jesus Christ. Both husband and wife collectively should continuously support each other to improve in the Lord. They should pray collectively, study and examine the Scriptures collectively, and hold each other responsible for their spiritual walk with Christ. Structurally, “the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the founder of the church” (Eph. 5:23a). By his authority and obedience to Christ, the husband is to set the condition and regulation for the spiritual increment of the family, but both husband and wife bear complementary accountability for the spiritual health of their marriage. Any couple who is sober about establishing a godly marriage will make improving each other’s spiritual fullness a very high superiority.

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