Home marriage Why Is Marriage Like a Precious Gem In Our Society.

Why Is Marriage Like a Precious Gem In Our Society.


Many people are frustrated concerning marriage these days. In the sight of many, the institution of marriage has become pointless, an old-fashioned survival of a simpler and more innocent time. They inquire if marriage is still an immeasurable design, especially in today’s more “Exposed” and “educated” culture. Thoughts such as fame, confidence, trustworthiness, and dedication appear old- fashioned and out of touch with present-day society. Many people change spouses as frequently as they change shoes (and almost as constantly!). This disturbing states over marriage should not overwhelm us, acknowledging the bewildering bombardment of ungodly opinions and beliefs that knocks us at every turn. Everyday books, journals, films, and video soap shows, sitcoms, and prime-time plays blast us with concepts of wives being unfaithful to their husbands and husbands doing the same on their wives. Single men and women jump into bed with each other at the drop of a hat and just as instantly jump out again to find their next companion. People today buy relationships the way they buy clothes. They “try something on for size,” and if it does not fit they easily try something different. When they find something that satisfies them they use it for a while till it fades or runs out of fashion. Then they cast it out or hang it up in the back of their closet and hurry out to replace it. Ours is a world of expiration periods, insufficient shelf life, and prepared obsolescence. Nothing is unquestionable. Truth exists only in the sight of the observer and virtue is the impulse of the time. In such an atmosphere, is it any surprise that people ask, “Doesn’t something sustain us any longer? Isn’t there anything I can rely on?” One major indication of a disordered society is when we associate with our human relationships the same manner of disinterested transience that we demonstrate toward the lifeless and disposable items that we use in everyday life. Marriage is the most profound and most secret of all social relationships, however, it is been attack. Is marriage still vital in present-day society? Does it still make sense in our temporary world? Is marriage still an immeasurable idea?

The answer is yes marriage is still an immeasurable idea because of its God’s idea. He invented it, He created it, He installed it and defined its parameters. Opposed to much contemporaneous knowledge and education, marriage is not a human idea. Humanity did not easily dream up marriage someplace along the line as a suitable way of managing relationships and obligations within men and women or dealing with childbearing and parenting problems. Marriage is of supreme Origine.


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